

  • CLIENT: GiveForms, Offline, Other
  • YEAR: 2023
  • ROLE: Product Designer

Design systems are required to create a cohesive design environment in any project, and I've spent a lot of time learning how to craft components that fit all design needs in a logical and easy to use way. Having components built properly in the earlier stages of a project fast-tracks the design process once you have a look and feel nailed down. They also ease the barrier to entry for a younger designer, allowing them to focus on layout and user experience, rather than fiddling with groups (god forbid), frames, auto-layout, and instances.

Fully Modular

Complicated components need to be built right to save you massive headaches later in the design process. Ensuring all optional elements of a component are accounted for in the component enables quick design choices with no time wasted.

Micro Interaction

Including a documented and prototyped visual for the micro interactions for certain components help bring the design system to life for developers.


A mishmash of some other frames from the two design systems highlighted - Offline and Dreamten Systemize / GiveForms. Organization of the design system is key, ensuring any other designer or developer can find what they need quickly and easily.

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