
D10 Client
Study 1

  • CLIENT: Dreamten Client
  • YEAR: 2023
  • ROLE: Sole Researcher
  • Study Planning
  • Pre-Study Documentation
  • Interview Conducting
  • Insight Gathering
  • Presentation Creation
  • Presentation Delivery

**For confidentiality reasons, I can't name the client or detail findings from this study, I will just go over my process in conducting and reporting the study as a whole.

A company contacted Dreamten to do a redesign of their entire cloud-based app, and wanted our team to conduct interviews with their six largest clients. I was tasked as the sole researcher for this project, with the task of gathering information on the usability of the app and finding out what other functionality is desired.

My first step was to create a high level outline of the study to send to the client's CEO which included the following goals:

  1. Learn how users feel about client's marketing website and brand
  2. Learn how users interact with the application currently based on their goals

Following approval of these goals and the subsequent plan for each interview, I constructed a Mod Guide to assist me in asking the proper questions to each of the client's users. Each question revolved around the two research objectives listed above, sandwiched between some demographic/warm-up questions to make the user comfortable with conversation, and conclusion questions to ensure I understood their feedback.

Conducting each interview I labeled important information/clips (with recording consent from the interviewee) using Fathom, and reviewed these recordings after each call to construct a ClickUp document of notes and findings. Entering these notes in ClickUp allowed for full access to the rest of the Dreamten team throughout their entire design process, and made it easy to translate the notes to a shareable PDF.

On conclusion of the six interviews I created a document titled "User Interview Findings" where I amassed the key points from each user and common themes around the current app's usability. I then took this information into Pitch where I created a Dreamten branded deck to aid me in presenting my findings to the client's C-suite.

This research and presentation led to a multi-year contract to redesign the client's entire marketing site and application.

Final presentation slide examples (censored)

research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
research slide
Next project